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The Mighty Boosh

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falloutgirl | 17:49 Sat 10th Feb 2007 | Society & Culture
2 Answers
Does anyone have any news about any more of the Boosh's tours coming up? I'm sssooooo desperate to see them, I've only just discovered them and think the show is so damn funny!!
xx falloutgirl xx


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right im assuming you have watched the live dvd. You can only enjoy that if you have seen both series. Then there is the radio series. Join modwolves fanclub, they will keep you up to date on all the new things and stuff for members only. They have been writing series three and they are due to start recording it, whether it will be out in July or Autumn has been debated. News of a tour has been discussed to be towards the end of the year, as has a new radio series. Noel is also the wierd goth guy in the IT crowd. Get your pocket cup ready, the BOosh is loose.
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you are an angel, this year is looking up now!!
thank you so much!!

xxx falloutgirl xxx

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The Mighty Boosh

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