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Gold bracelet on a man - good, bad or chav?

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SurreyGuy | 15:19 Mon 12th Feb 2007 | Society & Culture
42 Answers
Any thoughts folks?



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No i wouldn't like any other rings on a man personally!
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Thanks chazza

curleyperm - there's a difference between giving a "helpfully honest" answer and "hurtful nasty" one!
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rings in noses are o k for men i always think, with a long piece of rope,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: )
Back to the original Q.........

Mr Boo wears 4 thin leather bracelets, a la surfer type- I think they're cool.
Gold bracelet... bad move SurreyGuy... ebay it...

You'll be wanting a half sovereign ring next...
Boo I like surfer style on guys too - but gold just makes me think of Mike Reid who used to be in Eastenders - Paaaaaat!!!!
Paaaaaaaat!!... Paaaaaaaat!!
You havn't got one then snagged. xxx

curlyperm - I heard the door slam so I came to see what was going on. he he!!
steady on snagged..........better dont mention rings, i got shouted at for being cruel and harsh lol
athley its me slamming my head against the door in sheer desperation!! cant go anywhere on this site today without getting my head bitten off! : I
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Cheers crete, B00, snagged and Athley.
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No I bloody haven't Athley... ;o)

I where a 40 yr old silver St. Christopher that was my dear departed Dads... been round my neck 24/7 for the last 7 years...

and an understated rubber muji watch...

I do have a ring - as we all do - but it is not for display... ;o)
Hey well I've already seen that ;o)
Total No No
My ex used to wear one.
Nuff said
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Thanks folks.

I get the message - I've stopped wearing it! :o)
Surfer guy stuff ok. Mr W got one of those surfer necklaces too. Looks cool but the soverin coin ring that he got for the 18th birthday was sadly "lost" when we moved house.
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Gold bracelet on a man - good, bad or chav?

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