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I see your point Iggy, and although this is closely related to the recent debate, my Lodge actually breaks the law under the Sex Dicrimination Act, insofar as it does not employ females at all.
Yes, there are a few Judges as members, and no doubt this old boys network assists in gaining the Private Memebers license etc, but the fact remains we may have to admit the weaker sex.
I believe, but do not quote me as I am not on the committee, that it is not registered as a "Male only Club". We just choose to omit female membership, if that makes sense. Thus the current legislation will apply if it goes through.
Sickened, I tell ye. sickened that a group of short haired, dungaree wearing diesel dykes, probably from Wales, wish to adulterate a long standing tradition in many a town accross the British Isles.
I am not sexist in the slightest, and actively encourage women to develope their home building skills to the fullest, but this is just not on.
Emily Pankhurst and that awful Germain Greer willy hater, have a lot to answer for!!!