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Any froggy speakers?

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Joe_the_Lion | 14:39 Thu 14th Jun 2007 | Society & Culture
2 Answers
I have translated this directly from bablefish, but I know they can be wrong!!!!!

I happily accept your wedding invitation.

I look forward to the day.

Thank you.

J'accepte heureusement votre invitation de mariage. J'attends avec int�r�t le jour. Merci.

If you were a froggy, would this be correct?

Thank you.


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my French comes from the days of William the Conqueror so it may not be very colloquial but I think 'Je suis hereux [for a male] d'accepter...' was what I was taught. Also your second sentence says 'I await the day with interest', which doesn't sound very enthusiastic to me, but again I could be wrong. Someone in Phrases &Sayings might be able to help out better.
Joe, Max is French, perhaps you can persuade her to help.
I thought the phrasing of the second sentence made it sound you were attending in the role of sociological observer, even if you are - probably best not to set your stall out too early!

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Any froggy speakers?

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