No you cannot legally change sex as far as I know. I did hear of a case a year or 2 ago where a "woman" wanted to get married and couldn't and it was judged that "she" was in fact still a man. I think the precident had been set long since in other areas though. I'm sure some kind sole will correct me if this has been amended!
The Gender Recognition Act 2004 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which allows transsexual (or transgender) people to change their legal gender. It went into effect on April 4, 2005.
I think the fundamental difference here is one of castration and sexual reassignment. A man can be castrated and remain a man as you say, with no nuts. I am sure you are aware that a transsexual goes slightly beyond that, and the biological, psychological and physical elements of what this entails are really not worth going into on a Friday afternoon. I am sure you can use your imagination.
Even with gender reassignment - the person in question (wasn't sure which pronoun to use) would still have 2 X chromosomes or an X and Y so the person will remain a male or female (depending on what they started off as).
But some women with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome have XY chromosomes or those with severe Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. And what about people with intersex (formerly hermaphrodite)?