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nah, never read it. the thought actually stems from a dream i had ages ago. the senario a little different...
i was in the middle of city, abandoned of all life. everything was dusty, grey, with tints of yellow. clothes, personal effects, rubbish etc strewn all over the floor. no evidence of it, (i.e not a sign of destruction - maybe chemical warefare instead) but i "knew" there had been nuclear war. with nothing to do but wait for the inevitable, i just sat in the middle of the huge empty road. city buildings towering either side, and glared into the distance. the city ended, but the road kept going and going and going. as i gazed into the horizan, i just sat and wait.
i probably would do that in the dream senario. what else could i do? with nuclear war, i cant even eat or drink anything without polluting myself!