Gravesend in The AnswerBank: Society & Culture
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flip_flop | 08:31 Wed 17th Oct 2007 | Society & Culture
27 Answers
I had the misfortune of being in Gravesend yesterday - my god, what an absolute hole - but what did make me laugh was a sterotypical chav.

This creature. probably about 19/20, was heavily pregnant with two kids already in tow, including the almost compulsory 'braaaaaahn' one, standing there fag in one hand, can of Stella in the other.

It was 9.30am.

These poor bloody kids just don't stand a chance do they?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Why I thank you China Doll from the bottom of my (male) heart (is it my username that makes people unaware of my gender or is it the nature of my answers? Hmm).

Perhaps I'm a metrosexual - which I'm sure Ruby will thoroughly approve of!!!
You're very welcome, it makes me so sad seeing kids and parents like that and no amount of my liberal lefty sentiments will shake the fact that my head tells me those kids aren't going to have the best start in life.

Actually I think I agreed with you on something else recently... are your wrists getting limper or am I standing a bit wonky and leaning right?

(No, I kind of presumed you were a male but there was once another user who had a similar name who was female and gay and I think I inadvertently caused offence once and I wasn't 100% sure you weren't her so didn't want to do it again in case you were her... if that makes any sense).

Hmmm. ...I grew up from the age of eleven in the Medway Towns ..spent my formative years there .Went to school in Chatham and gained a reasonably good education.Mind you I'm talking about the sixties .
I went back there about three years ago to a school reunion. Lots of the girls I went to school with have made good in spite of Chatham being one of those places that people seem to assume is a dosshouse .
You get those sort of places all over the world .
An old school friend of mine who I have known now for over forty years lived in the most dire circumstances ..many siblings ..one parent family ...no hot and cold .....other peoples cast offs . Second hand school uniform.She went on to become a really high flier .A top person in her profession.
Even if you do have a bad start in life you can still make something of yourself .
We don't have to ape our elders.We are all born with minds of our own . Loads of people pull themselves up by their bootstraps immaterial of their upbringing and personal circumstances .
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I'm sure loads do pull themselves up Shaney.....but most don't. Their main influences are their parents (more often than not parent, singular) and it is mostly a case of monkey see monkey do.

Sad, but a fact.
drove thru gravesend last year really does live up to its name it really is a graves end
Ruby might lose a little of the inclusive tone if said chavs lived next door, chucked their lager cans and fag ends into her garden and raced cars up and down the road outside. The daily facts of existence in large swathes of this green and pleasant land.
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I have absolutely no doubt you are right lil o'lady - as can be seen from many a post on this site, ruby is very 'The Guardian' in her views.

Perhaps she'll grow out of it - I did when I left the Upper Sixth.

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