A rusty spanner for any plumbing emergencies.
A packet of `Spangles'.
A CD of `Queens Greatest Hits'.
Lippy for any occasion.
A flask of tea.
Her etiquette reminder.
I remember reading this a while back but the only thing i can remember is that she carries a small amount of change for things like church collections, and a hanky!
Mobile phone
axe (in case she has to chop someones head off)
photo of the kids
some cod liver oil tables
spare axe (in case she needs to chop someone elses head off and she broke the first axe)
Rolling papers, ciggarettes, a clipper lighter, a spare pokey bit, a bag of grass, some amyl nitrate, a dominatrix mask, a set of nipple clamps, a set of handcuffs, and an industrial sized tube of KY Jelly.
1. an elastic band, in case one of her Knights of the
Garter loses his (Honi Soi que Mal Y Pense)
2. a full-size replica of the royal yacht
3. a box of Bonios
4. my telephone number and e-mail address
5.a spare piece for a jigsaw puzzle, in case she loses one
6. the complete works of William Spokeshave, well- it's
7. 2 or 3 William Hill betting slips
8. a signed pardon for each member of her family
9. a TomTom sat-nav, in case she gets lost in the post
10. her pension-book