Music-making, and group music-making in particular, fosters a sense of belonging and social responsibility. It promotes teamwork and leadership skills and yes, as part of a musical education, it teaches valuable rhythm skills and an appreciation of non-western musical culture (which is also very much a part of modern rock, blues, jazz, R&B and most contemporary western music forms you could name, as well as being part of the GCSE/A Level Music syllabi).
The musical skills aside (and plenty of people do pay their rent by it), if you don't have the intellectual capacity to read music or play a tuned instrument, or if you don't have the sporting ability to play football or rugby or whatever, then your opportunity to be part of a band or team become somewhat diminished. Without teamwork skills, you're unlikely to get far in life or in the workplace these days. You'll also end up having no choice but to read the Daily Mirror, because your horizons are unlikely ever to extend beyond it.