Apparently there is a society/tribe/culture/religion in which a woman can have more than one husband. (In fact according to the person I was talking to they can have up to eight).
Anyone any ideas about where in the world this is or just any information at all? I'm intrigued.
Also is there a word for women with more than one husband? Or is it just polywhatdoyoumacallit that I can't spell?
Just done a google.
The Nyinba people of Nepal practice fraternal polyandry. If a woman marries a man she marries all his brothers as well, and they all have, ahem, equal conjugal rights.
Thank goodness we don't have it - Mr O's brother looks like Gollum.
My fiance has 5 brothers so I would be kept quite busy if I had to have relations with all of them.pmsl. I wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole actually,I got the best of the bunch in my opinion.
saw documentary where this hindu lady married twins,it was all legal she had no problems with it. i got the impression it was ok to do it in india.out there minds anyone who want 2 husbands