I know it's weird - it reminds me of being taken along the banks of the pools at Barlaston by my grandmother. We would stop and chat to the fishermen, and the smell of their bait boxes lives on in my memory. If I walk past a fishing equipment shop that sells bait, I have a deep inhale when the door opens.
I love the smell of jasmin on hot summer evenings as it reminds me of holidays and generally just gives me a nice peaceful feeling. (As long as I've taken my hayfever meds otherwise it will also give me a snotty nose and itchy eyes).
I also love the smell of the sea in Pz as it reminds me of childhood.
Homemade popcorn.
Strong extra virgin olive oil.
Hot bread.
Strange one but the smell of vinyl on a record player many years ago. Funnily enough I smelt it a couple of weeks ago and it brought back so many memories.