Everton, Tom is right. However, I'll answer this and then if you want to pursue it further, perhaps you'll post that thread you want posted.
Firstly, although I did say religion causes untold misery in this world, in response to your contention that you know a lot of happy believers, I said I know a lot of believers who are unhappy - not that religion makes people unhappy - so do get it right, Everton.
How would the world be a better place without religion? Yes, we would still have human greed, etc, as Octavius says, and people would still be murdered, as Keyplus says, but people wouldn't be blowing themselves, and others, to smithereens in the name of Allah, neither would extremists be calling for the death of the infidel, or ranting on about cartoons and teddy bears, and neither would Muslim be fighting Muslim in the middle east. Think Bosnia - or Northern Ireland where the troubles have gone a lot farther than politics, with neighbour pitched against neighbour - even to the extent that children on their way to school have been attacked. On a lesser scale, what about the children who are orphaned because their Jehovah Witness parents refuse blood transfusions - and on a greater scale, what about the holocaust? If religion had never existed there would be no Jews, no Muslims, no Christians, and therefore we would never have had the division that religion causes. There you have examples.
This may not be related to the question, but do bear in mind that you're the one who asked for further clarification, Everton.
By the way, if you read my posts properly, which you clearly don't, you would know by now that I never take AB to heart. :o)