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Getting old

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claymore | 08:30 Mon 29th Sep 2008 | Society & Culture
48 Answers
How do you feel about getting old, is it a subject you steer clear of, does it scare you? I admit I am terrified of ending up a doddering remnant of the man I was,dependent on nurses or carers, tottering around in a walking frame or worse ...bedridden. There is no way on Gods earth that I will ever let it get to that.


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I would never want to be a burden on my family. Old age in itself isn't undignified, but if it's coupled with dementia, or chronic disability, then it is - and it's terribly sad. The thought of dying doesn't scare me - but the thought of ever being unable to care for myself frightens the life out of me! From a personal point of view, I can think of nothing worse than that.
Good for you Mrs Chappie. When my father was dying from cancer, I begged him continually not to smoke - and I regret it dreadfully to this day. Nothing could be done for him, so I may as well have encouraged him to take whatever pleasure he could from his remaining months.
We have little choice in the matter - and it is an achievement to reach an old age. I am 61 and have already lost many relatives and friends - some younger than myself.
I look forward to getting older (hopefully staying fit) - the alternative is not very attractive.
I read every day of youngsters dying and I thank God for the time I have spent and hopefully have left.
Growing old is something I want to put off for as long as possible - the old 'growing up is optional thing'. And OK, when I can't look after myself so well anymore, I'll probably end up in a home. The thought terrifies me, even though I've told my kids that if I ever become a burden to them, they must put me away somewhere.

What I'm terrified of is losing control of my life. I've always been an independent being, and hate the idea of having even the most mundane decisions taken on my behalf. I dread well-meaning carers dressing me in floral frocks (I live in my jeans), styling my spiky red hair into a short shampoo and set and taking me to bingo (I prefer to go down the pub and listen to jazz). I bet they won't let me play my sax or sleep in the altogether, either.
I try not to think about it,but I like the answer that saxy jag gave.
I actually look good for my age.Most people say I don't look the age that I tell them.They say I look much younger,which I think is quite a nice compliment.
Mind you,I am in a job where I am on the go all the time,and I try to eat quite a healthy diet.I'm not too skinny though,and not too fat.I am sort of in between.A bit on the hunky side.
My mother is 82,and she's still going strong,but she can be very forgetful at times.She is one in a million to me!!!
She makes wonderful home made stews,and I really love her for putting up with me.I would like to live to the grand old age of,ummm,say about 90 to 96.I still eat plenty of vitamins from veggies and fruit,and I never over-eat.
My two nephews who are 15 and 12 can eat till the cows come home.The older nephew is much taller than me now,although he still is a little on the heavy side.My younger nephew has an amazing appetite.I can never eat as much as he can.He has put on some weight.I just hope that as he grows up,he will be able to slim down a bit.
He's just as tall as me now,and he's only 12.Blimey!!
I'm 5' 8" tall,by the way.What on earth is my brother feeding him on?When I was younger,my mother just fed me on good wholesome food.None of this junky food that we get nowadays.
Hi Imhotep! Hope you had a great holiday.

Getting older doesn't bother me, but the thought of illness or disease getting to me first ISN'T a good thought.

Providing people remain reasonably healthy, and are mentally alert, I think the older generation have much to offer. I hope your worst fears are never recognised claymore, but it's all very well saying that when the time comes, you'd never let yourself get into a bad way. If you find yourself in that position, I'm sure it's only human nature to make the most of what you have.
As the Stones used to sing (hey, those guys are a tad older than me), I hope I die before I get old...

Speaking of older folk, where the heck have all the interesting folk on this site gone ? No disrespect to the young 'uns... but there used to be a huge raft of wonderfully naughty folk on here... I loved watching their devils horns rise up naughtily now and then... All I've seen lately has been Ethel, who knows exactly which buttons to press on the boring fart society's log... (as well as our Chuck who is rather good at stamping down on mouldy
Hi there Icey hun?Haven't seen you on AB for quite a while.
I guess you've been away on your hols,eh!!
I looked for Dickson Road (i think you spelled it Dixon Road) and I spotted it easily.You mentioned a B&B in that road.Was it the Avondale B & B.I noticed on the corner Nelsons Fish & Chip shop.Although,I didn't go in to have any chips.
I stayed at a 4 star hotel called The Imperial which was situated on the sea front.It put all the other hotels to shame,as it was quite a big hotel.It had 4 or 5 floors to it.
My mum and I were on the second floor,and we both had views of the side backyards!!!Pppffft!! What a great view!!!
Never mind,we had a nice time up there.We had an evening tour of the illuminations by coach.Oooh,wow, it was absolutely brilliant!!It looked like Las Vegas,with so many hotels and arcades.We didn't go up the Tower,as I noticed on the entry admission it was �16.95!!!!!
What a rip-off!! So,I didn't bother.A shame really,but there we are.
The breakfasts and evening meals at the hotel were superb!! We once had an evening meal by the window at the front,and we watched the sun setting on the horizon.
It was a beautiful orangey sunset.Wish you were here!!
You would have loved it.
Sounds lovely! hope your mum kept her hat on when you took her on the roller coaster!! x
Hi Jugglering!
How you doing?
I agree with what you said in your posting....
t's no good being terrified of old age .It's all mapped out .It's just lifes rich pattern . I am pushing 61 and I always reckon you are as old as you feel or old as the man that you feel !!

Seriously though much as I can ramble on for England about "the good old days" I hope that when, and if I do become very old that I still have all my marbles .I have seen a couple of my relatives suffer from dementia and it's heartbreaking That for me would the pits .But then again I wouldn't know anything about it if I were to become like that so I don't worry about it .
My Mum died aged 92 with all her brain intact .Her spirit was willing but the flesh was weak and her last words to me were .."For God's sake do something with that hair " !
My dear old old Ma in law is 90 and still has all her faculties and a mobile phone !
I have a ninety year old aunt who still keeps threatening to clip me round the earhole if I persist in being cheeky :)
But ..sadly ,we never know when our time will come .So it's up to us to just make the most of life really and jog along and enjoy it .No good worrying about it .You're a long time dead !
hi claymore, well I hit 47 today, but still feel a lot younger. you cant help the aging process. Live for today. Dont count your years, Make your years count!
You put that really well shaneystar.
Yes,I agree with that as well Icey.
I would love to give you three stars to shaney and Petal flower,but it's not my question unfortunately.
Oooh by the way,I didn't have time to go up any rollercoaster.It was a coach tour we went on.I don't think my mum would go on any rollercoasters.She is terrified of great heights.I'm not though,I would have loved it.
Yes, I agree with what Petal said as well. Anyway, I don't care about age. We can't stop it - although strangely, I'd prefer to be 29 next instead of 30 next - and it's best just to make the most of now.
My favourite age I would like to be again is,I think,

18 or maybe 21 years of age.
Or,then again,I wouldn't mine going back to school and meeting my old classmates again.I have lots of fond memories of my schooldays,and the only problem with leaving school, is that most of your classmates go their separate ways and you never hear or see them again.
I have seen the odd person I know of my school days,but it's once in a blue moon I see them.
Shame really.
Awww!!!! I still keep in contact with some of my old school pals.
Not sure that i'd like to go back to ANY age really. Things are OK as they are atm.
I hit 40 this year and although I enjoy the odd ciggy and pint I`m still a lot fitter and sharper than blokes half my age at work


Jugglering, I think you`ll find The Who sang those lines
good for you Elvis. It's all in the genes anyway.

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