Vic Noooooo �.. You�ve missed the point completely. There may be three of you in this religion now (mmm�that sounds vaguely familiar), but none of you have any evidence to offer to support the existence of your God. It is simply a belief, and no different to a belief in any other God - so an open mind from me isn�t an option.
On the other hand
Chakka even though you too appear to have missed the point insofar as your God goes - which frankly surprises me - there are authenticated reports of cases of possible reincarnation. Now you know I don�t go in for hocus pocus, Chakka, and I know you wouldn�t want me to go scrabbling through Google in search of the Twilight Zone, (and if you do, you�re out of luck), but I have found this, from a reputable source, and talking about a reputable scientist, which might be of interest to you.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/154 2356/Professor-Ian-Stevenson.html
Wonder if he ever came back? Sorry I digress.
You can believe that reincarnation is possible, or not, but in reality neither you nor Vic, or anyone else, knows, and that being the case, if you�re totally honest, you can only say you don�t know - which is precisely what I am saying.
Spock �.. Too late, I�m afraid, dear. Your reputation goes before you. :o)
Now where�s that G&T?
Incidentally Tina, that thread you so admired seems to have died a death - and I doubt it will ever be reincarnated! Hate to say I told you so. :o/