3 Distrust, Childline has done a lot of good work for abused children (the bullied also) but at the time (and even Esther Rantzen agrees) it tended to demonise all men as potential abusers, there was a saying amongst wimmin's groups at the time that "all men are potential rapists", this was nonsense 99% of men would never harm a child, only the other week we were talking in the canteen about lost children ad how I'd be more afraid if I found a lost child then they'd be and then the "Tonight" drew the sam conclusion later on.
4 Violence, a few years back a lad of about 15 years old was causing trouble a man stood up to him the man was 5 foot 3 and like a puff of wind the lad was about 6 foot 2 and about 13 stone the boy stuck his chin out "hit me" he said "I'll be crying all the way to the hospital" I had to separate them I've also had to make a statement to the Police another time over something similar when the boy had done an act of criminal damage.
5 Vendettas, this is the biggy you have a probem with a gang and they target you, just move, it's not worth it, Police won't do a thing unless you react to them and then the full weight of the law will be upon you.
I feel it's a little unfair to produce examples from the bad old days, the consensus amongst the poor and working class (or vicious semi-criminal as they were sometimes described) was betterment, they valued education, they wanted education not charity.
The big difference in childen now is that they are thieves, rich or poor they'll rob you give half a chance, I knew a few would do a bit of shop lifting but kids these days will cheerfully rob anyone of anything.