I saw a pediatrician with my son when he was 2 years old. I had been sent there by my GP because I wouldn't believe the GP's diagnosis about my son. I had done a fair amount of research on my son's symptoms - the GP was fed up with me doubting him so actually he said that he was sending me to the specialist just to put my mind at rest and confirm his (the GP's) diagnosis.
The pediatrician confirmed 'my' diagnosis, that had been based on my knowledge of my child and my research. I never forget him saying when we discussed the issues that the people you should really talk to and listen to are the parents because they know their children better than anybody else.
What I am trying to say is that their is such thing as parental instinct and you can't pass it off lightly. Also most parents with autistic children will have done a great deal of research themselves into the condition and its possible causes, and not just act emotionally - far from it.
I find this difficult to put into words, but hope I won't be accused of 'prejudice' again or my thoughts dismissed.
Chakka you are talking as if it has been proved without doubt that the MMR is safe and hasn't contributed to autism. It hasn't. None of us know.
It is not the parents that are to be blamed for not giving their children protection it is the state that is refusing to offer the alternative - and some parents cannot afford to pay.