Some Abers answer questions within a minute. How do you do this? Have you got some sort of flag that pops up the second a question is asked in any catergory? Or do you flick from catergory to catergory waiting for new questions?
Not exactly speedy this time in the morning but I saw Speedy Answers under Recent posts (over in the right column) and my curiosity got the best of me.
I do hit on the answer first - but that's simply a matter of seeing something when I am surfing. I don;t have any special indicators that tell me something new is in - nor does anyone else, it's just that someone can post a question just as you have answered oone, so as your answer is posted, the new question is right there, having just appeared that second.
If I see a pixel I'm partial to answering a question in the recent posts then I'll probably have a gander at what they're looking at as chances are if I have a rapour with them it may interest me too or I might want to just say 'hi' or if the question title looks interesting. Recent posts also helps me ignore stuff too for similar reasons!