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good and evil

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celticwillia | 19:49 Wed 27th May 2009 | Society & Culture
32 Answers
Does anyone believe that god is in a fight for our souls with evil and that we are stuck in the middle and used as pawns


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Lonnie is not, I think, referring to the new testament at all. Fatherhood does soften up some tough nuts, and something of that sort does seem to have happened to God when he had a son.

Anyway, the usual answer is that God gave humans free will and now stands by, sometimes gnashing his mighty teeth, as they exercise it.
JC should have been a woman, then he could have multi tasked and instead of getting crucified, he could have time managed his time properly, got himself out and about with the disciples, done a bit of clubbing, some stoning and all that and had his hair done properly with some straigtners, had a girly stop over at some inn and some kareoke down at the stable bar. Seems a much better thing altogether to me.
apparently he has been spotted in a Marmite jar p-documentid=147621217
celticwillia, I don't believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God. Despite having been asked several times to explain what you mean, you still haven't told us what this 'so much more' is you're talking about, or about God's fight for our souls - the subject of the original question.

Incidentally, I think you'll find that Jesus, who was a Jew, was quite fond of the ancient texts, so why do you say it's a mistake to read the Old Testament?
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Having two Testaments is like having to versions to a story, one is true and the other is false. After learning the truth in the new testament, you are taken away from it, by reading all the lies in the old testament. That's how the Devil works is evil against good. And that is why half of you on here, do not believe in our god of love.
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My question was on good and evil and does anyone believe, in their fight for our souls, well no one believes. They don't even believe that their is a god. But tomorrow they will see and read about so much evil around the world, like they do most days, come back on here and be used as puppets by evil. Never really knowing why. they do it, and the funny thing is, you will sit in front of your computer tomorrow and say, right who's going to be the first victim of the day.
celticwillia, going back to a point that has been made twice here, but that you have failed to address, if this God is, as you say, all powerful, there can be no fight. If he is fighting, and, according to you, evil is winning, then he is not all powerful. Think about it.
'Having two Testaments is like having to versions to a story, one is true and the other is false. After learning the truth in the new testament, you are taken away from it, by reading all the lies in the old testament. That's how the Devil works is evil against good. And that is why half of you on here, do not believe in our god of love'.

So what your sayng, and please correct me if i'm wrong, is that the Old Testament, or Torah, the Jewish Bible, is the work of the Devil, thereby saying, that Jews are Devil Worshippers.

Would that be a correct interpretation?.
From what I can see the worshippers that come by here and try to convert us are, by and large, incoherant fruitcakes.

It reinforces my negative opinion of those who think thre is something valuable in stupid books written long ago by incredibly conceited men who really should have gotten out more.
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There is good and evil in this world, however it is moslty man made. Those that are not man made derive from water, earth and air. Who are you to judge and preach to others which testament is truth and which is not. It is up to each individual what they wish to believe in. You sound a bit delusional and I think a reality check is needed here.
I think that what you are writing and thinking is a load of hogwash and I think quite a lot of other people think the same.
Please keep it to yourself and leave us to our our own devices and we'll leave you to yours.
It's people with ideas like yours (I know, I'm right, all the rest of you are wrong) that cause a lot of the problems in the world.

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