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Ban the burka ?.

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zabado | 19:02 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | Society & Culture
22 Answers
Before all these religious people jump up and start shouting your taking away my rights,my beliefs,my way of life, my freedom of choice.Why not say that we as a country are banning the covering of the face with anything such as balaclavas,hoodies,scarves, and crash helmets in public places such as shopping centers,banks,cinemas and of course driving a car.


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I didn't really have much of an opinion on the Burka until a few days ago. I have never seen anyone wearing one in the town I live. At the train station in Birmingham there were a few and they scared my 11 year old.
The Issue of this Item of Clothing is security, also the safety of others whilst these people drive, also entering a Bank, If the persons do not like what has been said regards Security SIMPLE remove them, regards the road safety! Did you wear it when you went for your TEST? I think not, why should we & others alike have to converse with a set of eyes? my view someone is seeing how far they can go, the Edge of the cliff is not that far away " Keep Bloody walking".

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Ban the burka ?.

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