It seems that whatever aspects of religious beliefs held they can almost always be disproven to a certain extent. For example someone could say the bible was written by God, and it could be proven that it was written by man and so on and so forth. I just wonder why so many people are religious when, if they put forward they're held views and beliefs a lot of them could be contradicted with evidence?
I couldn't be entirely sure, but whilst it can be proven that many supposed religious beliefs/experiences are down to science rather than divine power, science has not yet proven the absolute non-existence of God. I think, even if it does, believers will not accept non-existence, as they will hold that God is above science and its existence can only be proven by faith, and science's failure thus far to prove God's non-existence is proof that it does exist.
Proving the non-existence of most things, especially something as vague as God is impossible. Hardly a "failing" of science.
Religions contradict their own claims, failing to even present a self-consistent belief system let alone anything that remains coherent in the face of observable fact.
The whole point about belief is that that is exactly what it is. No weighing up of evidence,considering probabilities or logical deductions, just 'blind' faith, no mental effort required. Somebody else has done all the thinking for you. What amazes me is all the paraphenalia and ceremonial that gets bolted on long after the 'prophet' is dead. The truly bizarre thing is that religions try to use a form of logic to justify what they do or believe but deny logic when it contradicts them so they resort to 'believing'