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curlyperm11 | 23:44 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Relationships & Dating
20 Answers
hi - just curious.......... and wanted some opinions? had an email tonight through friends reunited - from someone who i went out with 25 years ago - (we were both about 22) and he had looked me up - we have exchanged about 3 emails tonight after he asked where he could message me to 'catch up' it turns out he is married with one child and living abroad,and the email adress he used had was his wifes name? anyway he said if i want to catch up it would be great etc etc......... and that he would email me back tomorrow as it was late where he was and he couldnt wait to find out what i was up to etc....... the thing is............. i am divorced and have been for the last 3 years - so what makes me wonder is........why? why would someone contact me after sooo long? and want to even know what i was doing etc? especially on his wifes (i assume) email address?
shall i bother and just take it as a 'catch up' or what? thanks guys xx


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I think you're reading too much into it. If he's using his wifes email then he's being very upfront. I've conversed witha few 'girls' I was at school with purely amicably.
Question Author
ah right - ok - thats ok then x and thanks - just wondered why people would even bother?
Oh and in identally, they have always contacted me.
Maybe it's something we do as we get older. I have certainly got back in touch with several people from my youth in the last couple of years, people I've had no contact with for 25 years or more.
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yes i have got back in touh with people too - but never ex boyfriends and if i did - once i found out they were married - i just stopped all contact? ah well - maybe your right - i was looking foo deeply into it - but thanks x
Don't fool yourself, he is probably going through some mid life crisis.

I bet his wife doesn't know he is in contact with old girlfriends.

He might even have created a false 'wife's' e mail account to put you at your ease.
His marriage is cr@p and he wants to spice it up by contacting you.
There will be "do you remember" emails, then "I want to meet you" emails followed by a full blown affair.

Which stattion you get off along the line is up to you, as the train goes the whole way.
Not always....A few ex's have contacted me via FB and haven't wanted an affair. Just a well meaning catch up.
...balls, he just has fond memories. I contacted an 'old flame' recently and she seemed a bit mystified as to why. Anyway, we had a couple of friendly exchanges (no not of bodily fluids Sqad) then that was that.
See Sqad :-)
(the "balls" were aimed at Sqad, not you ummmm!)
I gathered
It may all be perfectly innocent. You clearly lost touch quite a while ago and he has just discovered your contact details. I see no harm in corresponding by e-mail; if things should start to go in a direction other than you want you can easily cease contact.
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hi guys - update?.................. right well he said 'via his wifes email' that he didnt have facebook but then the day after signed himself up and added me, so last night we were on FB chat for over an hour - going over (like someone said..... remember this remeber that etc....) he told me he has done sooo well and is on his 3rd wife (showed me a pic of her and his 8 year old kid) seems happy? but when i said ...........' oh so are you on a 'finding old mates thng then?' ..... he said 'no - just you really?' ... anyway he lives abroad now and in his words............. made the best decision ever - so i guess - he just wanted to catch up ................. strange tho cos for ME it would be an ulterior motive or no point? xx
thanks guys tho - been interesting x
curley perm

<<strange tho cos for ME it would be an ulterior motive or no point? xx<<<<

Exactly.....and the three wives ;-)....he wants another fling.

Just trust Uncle sqad ;-)

Exactly....and the three wiv
↑ because men can't chat to a woman without wanting sex, apparently.

*rolls eyes*
Odd thing though is that he is living abroad.

Nookie would be difficult.
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sara 3............................. its a little bit more than 'chatting' when someone actually goes out of their way to FIND someone dontcha think?? especially when 25 years has elapsed and they live in a different country AND have a wife and child????? i mean - you could "roll your eyes" if i were talking about bumping into him in the local pub!!! but this ................. well ....

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