Hi Whickerman,
Not a good year for us really. My Auntie died in March, we're a close family and it's been hard coming to terms with it, more so now as my mum & step-dad have gone to Oz on holiday (just landed) and my Aunt always rang to check we were ok whilst they weren't around (I'm 32 lol) it upset me a lot when it suddenly dawned on me yesterday that she wouldn't be ringing. Silly really.
A close friend of the family died suddenly in the summer and my beloved cat Del-Boy died also suddenly in October.
My husband also had bad news about his health but it looks like hopefully he will be ok for now.
So in that aspect it has been crap lol but I remember my uncle once telling me that you shouldn't blame the year when bad things have happened, just that it was a bad part of the year. I'm trying to look at it more like that.
I do look forward to the new year tho as a new start and for exciting things to come.
Happy New Year all :o)