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Do Asians ever go on holiday

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david51058 | 11:18 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | Society & Culture
41 Answers
Can someone tell me if Asians ever go on holiday. I'm talking particularly about those from Pakistan or Bangladesh descent. They never seem to venture beyond their local area where they live to go on holiday or even for a day out anywhere. The only time they do go away is to visit relatives in their 'homeland'.


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I don't go on holiday either. My husband hated to leave home and so we went on day trips in the car. As long as it was not too far away - Weston-super-Mare was about right, we could go there and come home in a day. I didn't mind as if I had wanted to go he would have paid for it as long as he didn't have to go. The farthest I have ever been was Paris on an organised coach trip with my daughter and sister many years ago. Just for a couple of days. Never been on or in an aeroplane and don't intend to start now, although my son and daughter-in-law are intent on moving to France so I might have to grit my teeth and try it if I want to see them.
They've all got flu in the curry shop - I give them Lemsips for free foodies & indian sweets ;)
I love the bartering system. Trouble is, nobody else does. It could be they have nothing to barter with.
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For poundland Lemsips y'day I got : chicken bhuna for 2, 3 chappattis, 3 somosas, box of 8 still ploughing thru it all :)
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i fancy roti and dahl now
Starbuck.. We live in France and as a retired couple it is almost ideal. There are some drawbacks. If your son and daughter have children of school age they should make sure that they live within easy distance of schools as schooling for rural children involves very early starts and late homecomings. If your son and daughter in law are retired but do not get a UK state pension they will have to fund their own healthcare. If one of them has a job in france they will all get into the french social security and healthcare system.
Thanks for your interest jomifl. They are retiring over there but not in receipt of retirement pension yet. I think they have enough money to go on with until they receive it but personally I would have waited a couple more years. However, having said that as time passes things get more difficult and before you know it it is too late. Seize the day I think is the saying.
Hi Starbuck.. Absolutely, I have sometime thought that I should have moved many years earlier but then reminded myself that I wouldn't have got a well paid job as apart from van driving you need to speak very good french to be acceptable. They can be so picky at times. That said it is well worth the effort, If they haven't done so already, before they choose somewhere to live they should study the climate of various regions as it varies enormously from one region to another. I recommend the south west as the winter is relatively short though cold.
Can you tell by looking if an Asian is of Bangladesh or Pakistan descent? I can't tell if they are Pakistani, Bhutan, Burmese, Nepalese or from the Yemen. Just as it is difficult to distinguish between French, German, Welsh, English.

Lots of Asians go on holidays abroad. Japanese are Asian and are very keen travellers. I think that if my homeland was far away most of my family holidays would be to the same place, too.
I have holiday rentals in 2 countries, and have never had an asian book
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Anyone would think no person of Asian descent read this forum. This is not a closed, exclusive club and there is no excuse for cheap jibes.
are you trying to make trouble
Have you ever been part of a circle? If so, what was your experience?

Curious x
Sorry was meant my earlier post else where!
Yes, they come here on a day trip on August Bank Holiday Monday every year, we are awash with them on that day!............

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