Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.
"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
Why would a creationist read The God Delusion? Anyway, Ive set myself a goal (always lived my life by goal setting, it focus's the mind) to read the entire Bible...Genesis to 3 months!...
Our beliefs (or non-beliefs even) are based upon our present understanding of available evidence at any given moment in time. I don't believe in fairies because I am not presented with any evidence...
… under pressure from LGBTQ+ campaigners who say statements Graham had made were incompatible with their values, and that his appearance would be divisive, could be disruptive or lead to a breach of...
That you could never have done for yourself anyway? Theres always lots of debates on AB (or at least r&s) about the existence of God, creation v evolution, the historicity of the Bible etc. But very...
A friend distraught and in floods of tears called me today. Her daughter has split from her selfish, uncaring husband. ‘’Good”, you might say, as I did, but no, it isn’t good because my friend...
Could it be that in trying to discover the origins of the universe, science has compromised its search for the truth, in favour of a strict adherence to naturalism?...
After years of debate on here (and elsewhere, both online and in person) with religious fundamentalists, there's only one conclusion that can be reached. Their brains are switched off! Im not talking...
Has anyone watched it ? We saw the final episode last night & I marked it as a 10.
Wasn't sure when watching it whether it was magic-realism, science- fiction or a documentary., great!... An hour long video, but even atheists might feel it interesting and entertaining, and Km sure fellow Christians certainly will. Just watching the news confirms it all for...
Have you noticed all of the component parts of a new world religion emerging around the world? It consists of all kinds of elements, some of which are gathering a fanatical following. The emerging...
With Brexit out of the way (?!) can we now turn to more momentous issues? I refer to those posed by St Augustine in reference to Creation; Who made it? By what means? & Why?...
Since living in a high rise block of flats (with video intercom) I no longer get the religious door knockers, (Mostly J.W's, the odd Mormon and the occasional Evangelical Christian). I sometimes miss...
The annual offering from the keyboard of Naomi begins with a replay of a Christmas song I’ve used before - but I like it and, with the children’s voices, I think it epitomises Christmas. I wish...
With the UK heading towards being a Muslim country by 2050 (probably before). Which of these alternatives would you prefer to live under? The choice though, as things stand, appears to be...