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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Sinead O'Connor has converted.
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... and is it harmful to children to celebrate it? What about Harry Potter books and movies? Harmless fun - or dangerous?
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I believe God is the Author of the Information necessary to kickstart our universe, drive abiogenesis and construct DNA. If you have any idea different to mine, what is it?...
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Some go on "spooky lockdowns" with mediums and so called scientists to investigate this stuff. Do you believe in a spirit world? What investigations are done? Any real science? This not being fickle...
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On the basis that Theland can bang on to the point of idiocy about his Christianity, I thought I'd start a Buddhist thread, where I can do the same about the teachings of the Buddha... There are four...
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Why if the Knights Templar are a Catholic military order were they (falsely) accused of worshipping Baphomet?...
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//Please just give me ONE question to answer// //. Why would I want to 'befriend' a God that...
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More effort seems to go into supporting unbelief in God, than in Satan Claws, sorry, Santa Clause, who for a few weeks every year, give people a very real hope of happiness if only long term misery is...
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Theland 12 mins 8 seconds long. Notable scientists debunk the idea of a universe from nothing, concluding that it had to begin with a mind, producing information. Information such...
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Killing muslims while they were at prayer? Really? Regardless of your religious persuasion, the question must be asked – What was He thinking? It's...
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Christians are being murdered and exiled from all Middle East countries and the safe haven of Lebanon is also becoming dangerous. What can this tell us about The Religion Of Peace?...
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Imagine a circle. Everything we know is within the circle. Everything we don't know is outside of the circle. The circumference represents the question we are in the process of answering, the problems...
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'Matereialistic' science has given us better health care...vaccines, eradication of certain diseases, anasthetics, anibiotics, pharmaceuticals, etc. Its given us instant communication with others via...
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Where are you mate?
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Theland found this interesting. Would like your views. Only short....
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Following on from the thread in "News", it is a fact that the book of Revelation in the Bible accurately predicts this end time scenario. Climate change, pollution, earthquakes increasing in frequency...
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Douglas Murray said, (maybe quoting somebody else), "The only thing worse than religion, is no religion." G. K. Chesterton said, "When people stop believing in something, they will believe in...
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Theland For those seeking truth, isn't it time that it is accepted that the secular materialistic view of our universe was abandoned and replaced with a curiosity of the...
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Why do you unbelievers, believe that we believers, believe what we do? WOW! THAT WAS A MOUTHFUL!...
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It's so quiet here that I think I ought to preach a sermon. Nothing like a bit of Pope and Imam baiting, with a bit of fire and brimstone thrown in for good measure, to raise the hackles of the...

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