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There is no Heaven

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joggerjayne | 11:36 Mon 16th May 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
42 Answers
This could be my first post in this Section.

Anyway ...

Stephen Hawking has just said ...

"I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no Heaven or afterlife. That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

So, that's it then !

(Stephen Hawking was the person who, some years ago, had said that, if we could understand the particles and forces in the universe, then we would "know the mind of God".)


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There may be no heaven....but there's sure a Hell, we're living in it on this planet...sigh.
Heaven is not about Hawkiing...why listen to him? It is about what you believe. If people feel happier believing that something comes after, heaven or whatever, what is the harm? If it means that people lead a good and caring life instead of selfishly following their own agenda this can only be agood thing, in my opinion.
I think it's a bit rich coming from him as all his component parts have failed and he is kept alive solely by computer.
One person's opinion is no substitute for proof.
Im afraid this guy changes his mind with his underpants -the big bang theory, time travel, god...
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Bimbo ... could I interpret that as ...

"The idea (rather than the existence) of a "Heaven" makes people behave better." ??
I suppose that those of us like me who are not religious regard our 'Heaven' and 'Hell' to exist here on Earth.
Stephen Hawking is a clever man and maybe like me also believes that there is intelligent life elsewhere in a far off distant Universe.
The Bible to me is a 'Fairy story' and needs to be taken at face value.
Jayne, yes. Although I did not say that it did not exist! Or what I actually believe myself.
Surely the whole point about Fairy Stories is that they are NOT to be taken at face value!
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Quite right, mercia, it's always best to stick to the same opinion regardless of whether new evidence comes to light to make a sensible person reconsider.....

I agree with Hawking. Man created God; and it's just as well that there is NO afterlife because there would have been billions of disgruntled folks clamouring to get to the Reps office to complain that it "....isn't like it says in the brochure."
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Of course not, Bimbo.

But I think that that notion is correct.
I believe in an afterlife. Not sure about heaven or hell though.
But what if it is exactly like it says in the brochure?
Yes JTH, and if everybody changed their mind as often as this guy, nothing would ever get done
I agree with shock
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If Heaven IS like in the brochure ?

You mean ...

Skiing all year round ?

But still sunny all the time ?

And the bars never close ?

And there's no Britain's Got Talent ?
Mercia - Nonsense, but don't let that stop you....

Mike 11111 - I prefer to live my life with the expectation that I will gain my rewards, or otherwise, here on earth.......rather than at some nebulous place and time.
And a Cable car direct from Brighton to Adelboden JJ, forget EuroStar and the Airports. !!!! :-))
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redman ... that would be nice.

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