Keyplus, here we go. The same old whinging story. Contradictions in your literature abound - as does ambiguity - which means people like you will always find an excuse for its appalling content. Perhaps if Allah had picked someone a bit more literate than Mohammed to reveal his dubious wisdom to, we might all have known what he was talking about.
Let's take this for example:
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
Now I know you relate this to situations of war, but in that case, why doesn't the text command you simply to murder your enemies rather than specifically those who happen to be non-believers? I don't think there can be any way around that Koranic verse, Keyplus. It says what it says.
And following on from that, just what is fundamentalist Islam's interpretation of the word 'war'? The 9/11 bombers considered themselves at 'war' when they slaughtered 3000 innocent people in the name of Allah - as did those bloodthirsty barbarians who chopped poor Ken Bigley's head off. I strongly suspect that any westerner is viewed by some as the enemy, and I'm convinced that those people would gleefully deem the slightest criticism of Islam to be an 'Act of War'. That is graphically illustrated by the disgusting images of madmen ranting for blood because someone drew a cartoon of the prophet!
In answer to your question, I have no idea how many are killed for apostasy. I can only hope those who commit that grievous sin live in a somewhat more civilised regime than that of Iran.
Finally (for the time being) I've told you before, you consistently make the mistake of assuming the people here are fools - but unfortunately for you most of them are not. Never doubt it.