@Truthabounds - Nothing in your posts gives any confidence in your assertion that you were in the "medical field". I dont believe you. Based upon your posts here, with the dismissal of modern science and medicine, the only medical job that you are fit for that would cause concern for the health and welfare of the patient in your care would be cleaning the commode.
I took a quick look at the articles - none say anything new. The hazards of blood transfusion are well known, as anyone in "the medical field" should know.
You should also know, if in fact you had any clinical involvement in "the medical field", just what enormous benefits blood transfusions offer to modern medicine, both to recipients and to the practitioners the various disciplines of modern medicine, such as vascular surgery, orthopoedic surgery, trauma care, oncology, chemotherapy. You should be aware of their value when it comes to supporting patients suffering from haemoglobinopathies. You should know of the immense value they have for sufferers of anaemia. You should be aware of the tremendous benefits of various components of blood, such as platelets, or coagulation factors.
Above all else, no one with any form of medical training could be as lacking in the understanding of the scientific method,and as dismissive of the value of science and the progress of modern medicine in combating and eradicating disease, extending life spans, and repairing/replacing joints, limbs and organs s you appear to be.Your religiius conviction blinds you.
And yes you are twisting words. The implication of your first post was clear for all to see - you inferred personal knowledge of many atheists who had converted - when challenged, you present a pitiful list of 3(!) that you may have heard of.
Your world view and your commentary is twisted and distorted by the prism of your own religious zealotry. Sad really.