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Why do some say,Thank god I'm an atheist...

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goodlife | 15:46 Thu 27th Oct 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
135 Answers
I am patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it.


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Is 'projection' the word I'm looking for?
is that ^^^ echolalia
Could be Sandy

as in projecting unwanted faults in oneself onto others

i also think of projection as an unconscious projection that is then interpreted as external circumstances
ie the world has got it in for me at the moment = what am i projecting at the moment?

as someone wise and chinese said (may have been confucius or burt kwouk):

'when you point a finger at someone, notice where the other three are pointing'
<<is that ^^^ echolalia >>

could well be.

It was meant to be a music hall type fanfare but i couldn't find the staves and quavers on this keyboard
Engage Number Lock
Hold Alt key down and type "JL" for ♪
Hold Alt key down and type "JU" for ♫
Then thank . . . someone.
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Birdie1971, while a fervent theist and a vociferous atheist might be seen by some as two sides of the same coin, they're very different creatures.
A theist, quietly living their life according to the rules set-down by their God, might not feel the need to proclaim their faith from the rooftops. They're blessed with faith.
In contrast, the vociferous atheist, always attacking, sneering, trying to undermine the faith of others, brings to mind the line from Macbeth: 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.'
I haven't seen many theists around here quietly living their life according to the rules set-down by their God. If they did that, those verocious atheists would have nothing to sneer at - well at least on AB.
thats because this is called ANSWER BANK naomi, so were giving answers, believe me, outside of here i dont go preaching on the street and shouting my religion around, i do it here to give answers.
@Sandy - "A theist, quietly living their life according to the rules set-down by their God, might not feel the need to proclaim their faith from the rooftops. They're blessed with faith.
In contrast, the vociferous atheist, always attacking, sneering, trying to undermine the faith of others, brings to mind the line from Macbeth: 'The lady doth protest too much, methinks.'"

Come on , thats a bit rich, even for you Sandy. First a strawman - this artificial dichotomy between someone of faith and an atheist - the reason we have the heat and force in debates on this board is because both sides are engaging in the debate, so this concept that you are trying to peddle that theists are shy retiring types bullied by those nasty blustering atheists is just a strawman nonsense, a construct of your own bias.

The only reason I attack - the only reason I sneer, is precisely because we have fervent theists peddling their versions of reality - meddling in politics to afford special protection for the religious, creating blasphemy laws, lecturing others on morality and sexuality, and stating with absolute confidence that such books as the bible and the quran contain some sort of essential wisdoms about science that defies all rational thought.

Whilst we have global unrest caused by religion, it is necessary for the rational, the secular, the sane to point out the wrongness of what is being done. Everything from encouraging HIV patients to forego their retroviral therapy in preference for faith healing to the hunting and killing of albinos in Nigeria over fears of witchcraft to young muslim men fanatical enough to blow themselves and innocents up in a London tube train, The absurdities of the actions being carried out in Gods name need pointing out and ridiculing.

Every since Shakespeare wrote that line, people have used as a way of belittling or undermining those with strong views on a particular subject. Its a weak and simple minded assertion to use it in such an unqualified and general manner......
and then they call us confused :)
its kinda funny, as you're thanking someone who, apparently, you believe does not exist?
Sith, if you don't understand what LazyGun has written, I suggest you read it again - several times if necessary. It's important.
i read it, so...
...hes basically saying religion is causing more problems than solutions or is there more to it, please explain :)
You may have read it, but since you said LazyGun is confused, you very clearly haven't understood it.
oh, wait, that comment of "confused" wasnt at lazygun, it was about the question. sorry for the misconception :)
sith, it really isnt a difficult concept to get your head around, "Thank God" is an everyday phrase, it used just as much by Atheists as theists I imagine, we are not thanking any God!! it is a phrase of thanks that actually means nothing more ant to no one specific!

Do you understand or would you like me to break it down even more!! Please try!

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Why do some say,Thank god I'm an atheist...

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