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Some simply do not believe in God. They may reason that since they cannot see him, he must not exist—talking about him seems a waste of time. Nevertheless, atheists are definitely in the minority “believing somewhat naïvely that the system will ultimately support their cause and even reward them.” When “the system” does not do so, or even punishes them, “the psychological effect can be devastating.
Today many people wish to see justice meted out to those in power who commit illegal acts, even religious leaders. But “the system,” or any worldly organization, rarely rights the wrong. Why is this too much to expect? Because, says the Bible, “that which is made crooked cannot be made straight.” (Ecclesiastes 1:15; 1 ) Yet, if righteously inclined people cannot bring about improvements, who can? Only God can, and he will do so soon. Under his Kingdom government, all corruption will be eliminated. The effect on all earth’s inhabitants will be delightful (Psalm 37:37-40)