It struck me on a previous thread that I do not know what God is supposed to be. I think I know that God does not exist but how can I know this if I do not know what it is?
Can somebody explain to me what God is - IN THEIR OWN WORDS - so that I can make a decision on this matter.
"god" is love and is evil all mixed into one and we are our own "gods" not just one person/thing...."god" is what you perceive it to be or not to be...not simple is it?
There are two sides to your question, 1, if you don't believe in God, then it doesn't matter, 2, if you either do, or want to, go and ask a religious leader.
Mind you, ask ten different people, and your likely to get ten different answers.
The reason some people doubt that God exists is because many scientists do not believe in him. However, popular views can sometimes be very wrong. Regrettably, many of the world’s religions have added to the confusion by teaching things that contradict the Bible
Anything that is worshiped can be termed a god, inasmuch as the worshiper attributes to it might greater than his own and venerates it. A person can even let his belly be a god.
Shangi //The reason some people doubt that God exists is because many scientists do not believe in him. //
No. The reason some doubt that your God exists is because, unlike people like you, they don't believe what others tell them. They read the bible and it tells them that he was not the almighty loving creator you claim him to be.