Thank you Grasscarp - for the thoughts of Confucius - yup,that is more or less me..
..but I had a novel occurrence on Fri evening - I felt a pang of jealousy for a man play-fighting his 6 yr old son!...weird..I swear,well I"m over 50...never had time or inclination for children of my own - way back,as a late teen,some well-meaning,or otherwise,people had ideas I might marry,have children..typical but usual small-town stuff - that is about the time almost eveyone - including Mum,Dad,sisters - gave up on any hope that I might conform - Ma & Pa have a bunch of grandchildren,they are happy,so it is rare anyone asks me - what if/whynot -
But my friend,I had visited had a different take - He is more than 10 yrs older than I - He has his little lad overnight..they were both playful..watching a movie - the boy clambering on Dads back as we sat talking.pulling on his Dreadlocks,trying to gain was a touching sign of their bond..and I never missed having my own..but...but anyway..
My friend has 17 children living with ,I think 4 mothers..though some are themselves married,or living with a partner - they are a handsome Jamaican family...
Maybe my friend got it is about creating life...and nurturing..and improving..and learning and sharing... ...and my girlfriend and I,may have been selfish..or unwilling to put the gruntwork in..?