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birdie, you must be completely thick, excuse me for my language, i have said what i believe and what my point is. If you cannot figure it out that is your problem. Just dont do what you are saying im doing when i am not, and that is to keep making the other person look like a fool when it is you. My pointy is clear. if you cant figure out, then read it again.
this is simple to understand.
//yes birdie. I was saying that i do not believe as i have already pointed out, however like everything to them it is a rational believe. So if i did believe that than i would think it is rational. Youre atheists, you thing that is rational, am i correct? So to everyone with a belief its going to be rational to them. I have explained this as clearly as i can and i cannot see the difficulty in understanding it, however of course you are struggling. so i have helped you as best as i can. of course what i am saying now is going to be "irrational" to you, but there you go. my point proven.//
if you cannot, its your problem, not mine.