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jomifl | 09:30 Thu 31st May 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
32 Answers
Had a visit from the French wing (English speaking section) of JW today. I had forgotten how utterly dense they are. When challenged on the subject blood transfusions their response was well people have got nasty diseases like aids from blood transfusions. Apparently as science has developed it has shown that the 'science' in the bible is correct. I am beginning to calm down a little. Must remember to be less polite in future.


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Oh dear......

I once indulged in a bit of JW-baiting by telling my visiting JW that there was no evidence that the town of Nazareth ever existed at the supposed time of Jesus (amazing what you learn in pub quizzes). He was not a happy chappy and said he would look into this and get back to me. He returned about a week later having been to the JW version of Answerbank (apparently there is such a thing), with the argument that there is indeed no evidence for the existence for Nazareth at the time, but the geography of the region is such that there could have been an older settlement there, so therefore there must have been. No point in arguing with that kind of thinking.
My fave was

JW Do you believe AID's is gods punishment for homosexuals

Me No I think it is proof that god is a lesbian (far less likely to contract it from sex at least)

JW oh I think my friend needs me further down the road....
Ask them to tell you in what year Jesus was born. Then ask them in which year King Herod died...
There`s no point in baiting them. They`re brainwashed. You can`t get through to people who are brainwashed. I just say "no thank you" and shut the door. The only time I was ever rude was when they knocked on my door just after 9/11 which was a subject too close to comfort in my industry and the lady said "Hello, we live in a very dangerous world". I said "I know we do" and slammed the door. I was cross that she needed to tell me that.
I do know someone who said "Come in, we`re just celebrating the Black Mass". They disappeared quite sharpish.
AID's ?????

Surely the letters AIDS stand for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

So why AID apostrophe s?
Only half the story VHG.

rowanwitch //AID's is gods punishment .//

Apostophe for possession goes on "god's"
My dad has the proud distinction of having a JW run away from him. Also a friend of mine was askd by one if he believed in God. My friend is a vicar & was in his dog collar having just returned from the Sunday service.
Sorry brain not in gear,,, caution from apostrophe police duly noted
Yes, when the JWs get going they're even worse than the atheist cadre on Answerbank! Their thinking is straight, their arguments are perfectly sound, and everybody else should be able to see it. Wow.
invited JWs indoors, sat them down and asked what they wanted to talk about,"dunno " came the reply," never got this far before"
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Thanks Mark, I'll keep that one in the ammunition locker.

Me...There is no god therefore the bible is irrelevant.
JW...Yes that's logical, lets talk about the prophesies in the bible..

It is so annoying having a smiling moron telling me that I know diddly squat. I wonder if JWs do a pamphlet on anger management?
//Apparently as science has developed it has shown that the 'science' in the bible is correct. //

I'm still reading 'The Creator and the Cosmos' by astrophysicist Dr. Hugh Ross, as recommended by a fellow ABer - and, among other things, he says the same - although I've yet to reconcile his reasoning. He certainly uses words and promotes ideas that, as far as I can see, do not correlate to the original. Quite astonishing!!
The original what?
//Apparently as science has developed it has shown that the 'science' in the bible is correct.//
JW's (and countless Christian sects) claim that their religious book is increasingly endorsed by new scientific discoveries. Keyplus (and countless Muslims) regularly claims the same about the Quran. Is there a religion in the world not making this claim?

Yet none of them are able to point to an unambigious or specific claim prior to the scientific discovery that "proves" them correct. Weird that, eh?
My mate Mick lectured them for so long that they said goodnight, and all ran away,
( as do most people he talks to).
we had them here the other day, two of them, a blind chap accompanied with a beautiful young girl of about 18 years old., thats pressure selling. I couldn't shut the door on them, they were so pleasant, i just said " do you know my mate Mick?" they both legged it.
Anybody want to try my religion? It's called 'You're only here once and life's too short to waste it debating unresolvable ***'. I'm going to get my marketing people to work on the name but you get the idea. Actually, most of you probably don't. But you will my friends, you will.
Zacs master,
Do you know the secret to life? the origin of humans? what if JW is right? do you think that life started with a clap of thunder in space somewhere??
more to it than that, I am sure. someone or something did all this, wait and see.
The Bible tells us at Galatians 6: 7 & 8
Do not be misled: God is not one to be mocked. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap; 8 because he who is sowing with a view to his flesh will reap corruption from his flesh, but he who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit.
If a person wishes to pursue a course that is contrary to the principles set out in the Bible, then he will reap the consequences.

Rowanwitch: By the way it is AIDS and not AID’s.
Markrae: To which Herod are you referring? Herod is actually a family name.
> Markrae: To which Herod are you referring?

This one:

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