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Why didn’t God make his original message clear?

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naomi24 | 12:18 Sat 16th Jun 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
50 Answers
Since Jesus arrived on earth with his new message, many ‘prophets’ have surfaced - Mohammed, Joseph Smith, and Charles Taze Russell, to name but a few – and the millions that follow these people are all convinced that their own brand of religion is right. Since logically they can't possibly all be right, there is undoubtedly still much confusion, so wouldn’t it have been more sensible of God to dispose of the necessity for new prophets by making his message absolutely clear in the first place?


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Well, you can always pray for an answer!

For someone who wanted his message broadcast, the god ofChristianity took preciously littlle care. Four volumes, three of them nearly identical, all written at least 80 years after the events, and lengthy explanations and expansions of Jesus's teaching written by one, probably several, people ,but ascribed to one , again written much later, are hardly evidence of serious care and intent.
Surely the Big Bang must have rendered Him hearing impaired. :o/
Religionists dared not make up a clear message for their god(s) to promulgate because that would have left them with no vagaries, evasions, "interpretations" and obfuscations to hide behind when their beliefs were challenged.

Creationists, you will notice, never ever explain creation, so ensuring that they can never be challenged on specific points concerning the process. Where rational people strive for clarity theists prefer the fog and the mist.
I used to do some work for a consultancy, the golden rule when writing reports was to never make an unequivocal statement or give unambiguous advice. Now where did that idea come from?
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How should it be put forward so that you would believe in it? Give some idea.
because he was a man....the same reason we only have 2 arms!
//How should it be put forward so that you would believe in it? Give some idea.//

He could at least make his intentions clear here.....

Keyplus, you are confusing the meanings of 'believe' and 'believe in', look it up.
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Birdie, // Is that the right answer?//

ha ha! I haven’t the foggiest idea. If God can’t make his mind up, you can hardly expect me to know what he’s talking about. ;o)

Keyplus, You haven’t answered the question, but have, as usual, asked another question - so I’ll put your own question to you.

After Jesus brought a new philosophy, Mohammed emerged with his version, but since then others have surfaced with important updates which differ significantly from Mohammed's old adaptation. This is clearly a concerted effort by God – who never speaks for himself - to make himself understood, so why don’t you believe anything the messengers who came after Mohammed have said – the more recent surely being the most well-informed?

//How should it be put forward so that you would believe in it? Give some idea.//
His final message was clear enough, Naomi, and did not, as far as I know, need an intermediary.
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^^ ???
God's Final Message to His Creation, Naomi? We obviously don't always read the same books.
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Haaaaaaaa! Thanks for the hint. Now I get it! :o)
So what really was Jesus's message?
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Keyplus, another question in response to a question - and you still haven't answered the first.
Few questions are better answered with another question. But then again it is common sense. You said that Jesus (pbuh) brought a message and then Muhammad (pbuh) brought another one. What do you base your views upon?
Obviously, vetuste, the various branches of the Christian religion didn't read the same book or there wouldn't be different branches differing in their interpretation of what it says. We may take it, even at the simplest level, that the Pope is against contraception because that is against the teaching in the book. We may take it that the Archbishop of Canterbury isn't, because it is not against the teaching in the book.

Earlier Popes, indeed earlier clerics, thought that God had made the Earth the centre of the solar system, because that is what the book said. If they can be so wrong on the reading of plain fact, how are we to trust them on meaning of teachings or know what God's will and plan is?
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Keyplus, yet another question from you. One could be forgiven for thinking you have no answers to the others.
Don't panic, FredPuli.

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Why didn’t God make his original message clear?

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