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Should a man in his position, where he can influence so many inpressionable minds, amongst the viewers of Newsnight...

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sandyRoe | 14:00 Wed 01st Aug 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
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...not be more circumspect in his utterances?


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Khandro, //but like the slipperiest of eels, she is avoiding to answer,//

That wasn’t a nice thing to say the first time it was said – and it’s still not a nice thing to say. At first glance I was surprised you felt such inane stupidity worthy of repetition. However, you did, and having given that, coupled with your consistently evasive performance here a little thought the evidence would suggest that the ability to recognise honesty eludes you, so it really comes as no surprise at all. Once again your only response to a difficult question – and one emanating from your own thoughtlessness - is to employ Keyplus’ favourite, but ever-futile, ‘get out’ tactic by posting a question of your own – and in the process, reducing the discussion to a personal level,

Now we have that straight, be assured that I don’t avoid questions and I’m happy to answer yours. Yes, to the best of my ability I do live my life based purely on logic, rationality and reasoning. The only time that fails me is when other people demonstrate that they are not worthy of the misplaced trust and respect I may have previously afforded them – but of course, being a rational creature, that is easily remedied.

Now, are you going to explain your statement – or are you still floundering?
Flounder? You're a dab hand at this, Naomi.
Haaaaaaa! Well, you must admit what we're hearing is rather fishy. :o)
I pity a life based purely on 'logic, rationality and reasoning' because within it there could be no love, bravery or opera, all of which are lacking those attributes.
^^There speaks a man who to all intents and purposes appears to claim to understand all - but in reality understands nothing.
That was very tactful of you Naomi.:-)
Thank you Jom. One tries you know. ;o)
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birdie; I am sorry that you took my statement that I pitied a person who lived their life purely by logic, rationality and reasoning, personally, I in no way meant to imply that you were such a person, you did not say that, and how should I know? I made this assertion as a support for sandyRoe and what he had stated previously about science and religion, of which you had been dismissive, and not as an attack against you.
However, when challenged to substantiate my opinion, I did so, and stand 100% behind what I said, though of course, I "know nothing".
PS, I do not "believe in ridiculously capricious superhuman deities who live in the sky."
Khandro, //though of course, I "know nothing". //

If that's a reference to what I said, again you are misquoting other posters. I didn't say you know nothing - I said you understand nothing - and your intention to stand 100% behind your original claim would appear confirm my observation. You have no idea what other people here think – or feel. Nevertheless you consider them incapable of love, of bravery – or even of appreciating opera. As I said, you understand nothing.
naomi; Thank you, and I substitute understanding for knowing (an even greater insult, I suppose you mean) I also re-enter my previous post; "I pity a life based purely on 'logic, rationality and reasoning' because within it there could be no love, bravery or opera, all of which are lacking those attributes.". Do you disagree with it, and if so, please say why?
Khandro, //an even greater insult, I suppose you mean//

Insult? Not at all. Simply an observation based on the fact that since I’m better equipped to know what is going on in my brain than you are, it follows that my understanding of it surpasses yours - which as you’ve demonstrated is non-existent. And whilst we’re on the subject of insults, don’t you think it’s rather insulting – and pretty arrogant - to tell people, of whom you know absolutely nothing, that they are devoid of fundamental human emotions?

Yes, I do disagree with you. Why? Because it is logical to love your fellow man - if everyone did it the world would be a far better place; in certain situations it is rational to exhibit bravery (not to be confused with stupidity); and it is very reasonable to appreciate the beauty of opera. Perhaps you should think about it a bit more carefully.
Passionate love; enough to drive a 74 year old man of the highest intellect to pursue a 19 year old young woman all over Europe to be humiliatingly rejected (Goethe), is far from logical. To cross open ground under enemy fire, climb into a flaming tank about to explode, and drag out an unconscious colleague, and carry him to safety, being wounded in the process (someone of my acquaintance), is far from rational. As for opera ( a personal passion ), It is all-consumingly illogical, irrational, and completely lacking in any form of reason whatsoever.
I'm not quite sure why you're telling me all this Khandro. So some people are illogical, irrational, and unreasonable. We know that.
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Listening to The Magic Flute even an atheist might be forgiven for briefly thinking they were witnessing the product of God given inspiration.
Khandro, logic and reason helps us control our emotions otherwise we wouldn't have any form of society worth the name.
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^^ //I suppose you will argue that you were addressing me specifically but speaking in general terms about no one in particular.// Correct; no one in particular, just anyone holding that view.
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