VE, //Couldn't agree more, Goodlife. Smarten up, Naomi!//
Crikey! You’re right VE! Must try harder! Here goes!
Goodlife, //did he [God] know that their wonderful prospect of life in a paradise was doomed to failure? Of course not.—Genesis 1:28.
So taken to its logical conclusion, the idea that God foreknows all decisions would mean that he is responsible for all that happens—including wars, injustices, and suffering. No, A clear answer is provided by what God says about himself……….. So you have a brain use it. //
So using my brain, as instructed, we know from the same book of the bible that God is not omnipresent, and now you confirm what we already knew - he is not omniscient - so taking your statement to its logical conclusion, God cannot possibly be omnipotent. Bit of an old fraud really, isn’t he. Is that better?