For starters... all of the political movements that acted to free people in history (at least modern history) were religious in their concept. Here in the U.S. (and Britain, for that matter) the end of slavery came about solely because of religion (as the organizing force). In England the end of slave transport by ship came about because William Wilberfoce's perserverance to end it. He was an Evangelical Christian and wrote and spoke freely and often about the abuse and almost singlehandedly forced the new law against the trade.
Here in the U.S., the Underground Railroad, which provided transport for runaway slaves via safe houses was supported by several denominations. The Civil War, during which 1/2 million lives were lost was primarily a Christian response to ending slavery.
We (my family) has financially supported a young couple who went to Nigeria as newlyweds over 20 years ago. They began a school for children and the wife, being a Registered Nurse opened a free clinic in rural parts of the country. They have had three children, all born in Nigeria. They are part of a legion of missionaries around the world seeking to help the peole they serve, prompted primarily because of the tenets of their faith.
Most of the early scientists, Newton, Kepler, Galleli, Descartes, Pascal, Linnaeus, Faraday, Mendel, Pasteur, George Washington Carver and a host of others were all Christian and were motivated by their faith.
Many of the great minds who were authors were Christian... one of my favorites is England's own C.S. Lewis, who had influence on millions.
Many of the great univerities both in Europe and here in the U.S. were started and flourished as Christian institutions... Harvard, Yale, Princeton and manyothers, while in England Cambridge, Oxford, and St. Andrews in Scotland.
Many hospitals here in the U.S. were begun solely as Christian institutions... I suspect the same for England since our histories tend to run parallel in matter religious.
These are but a few. Look, it would be easy to say that non-religious or even athiest entities could have begun or been all the things listed above... but they weren't or didn't.