That awkward moment when my 6 year old daughter's friends turn up at the door with an invitation to a Halloween Party. It is against everything I stand for but what to do?
There is a school of thought that holds there's a path you can start out on by trick-or-treating, making lanterns from pumpkins, or ducking for apples, which ends with you Sky-Clad under the Autumn moon sacrificing an innocent to appease The Great Horned One.
Further to my earlier post, Halloween is actually the eve of All Hallows Day, a Christian festival celebrated on 1st November. I am a devout practising Christian and I love Halloween, my birthday, and I always enjoy watching my grandchildren dressing up and having fun.
I wonder if ruthandsam is a JW or a Quaker etc. They put their weird archaic views before the welfare of their children .
I have seen such children upset after being deneid the simple pleasures of Christmas. I remember some Children not being allowed to watch TV for some personal adult belief. As you would expect children suffer socially and educationally.
well said NOX! PLB
We celebrate Samhain -I hate the American Trick or treat thing -total American twaddle and I refuse to let my children basically bang on peoples doors and demand confectionary. The Devil was invented by Christians to frighten them into submission -so don't blame us Pagans lol!