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Lets remember it's Remembrabce Sunday

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Zacs-Master | 10:34 Sun 11th Nov 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
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Can we please put aside our petty and pointless religious differences just for one day and remember the fallen, who gave their lives so that we may have the freedom to discuss such topics openly?


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Have just read your post Zacs-Master. Good idea but can we not put them aside every day?
19:12 Sun 11th Nov 2012
I'm sure God doesn't hate even the vilest of sinners. When he consigns them to an eternity of torture in the fiery pit he must do so with a heavy heart.
Naomi you need a dictionary on hatred.
Oh! I forgot and a Bible.
I suspect she might know the bible verbatim :-)
More uncritical acceptance by the resident JW. Circular logic, referring back to a book that is full of myth and legend.

And you have to love this idea that prayer must be addressed to the right god or it will be ignored - rather like my MP then. If I dont put my address on any communication he fails to answer. Its just a facile and ridiculous response.

"Thank you for your enquiry, o genocidally-challenged person. We have reviewed your case, and find against your appeal. God has said you deserve to die, and his word is gospel. Rest assured though, that since he says you deserve to die, your must be guilty of not believing in him, or engaging in social or cultural actions that he does not approve of. Its your own fault really - if only you had submitted to his will, you would be able to live and commit genocide against others, or post teeth- gratingly saccharine sweet evidence free posts about how much god loves humanity"

The world would be an immeasurably better place without the interminable efforts of the evangelists to convert others to their specific brand of nonsense.
Goodlife, I have shelves full of books relating to various religions, including an assortment of bibles, but I don’t seem to have this dictionary of hatred you’re talking about. Since you hold the subject in such high regard, would I be right in assuming it’s a sister publication to the Watchtower?

And the religious and their apologists here deem humanists, who actually care about their fellow man, the bad guys. If I possessed your mindset, Goodlife – or theirs - I would be seriously concerned for my sanity.
I don't think humanists are bad guys..................
Really? Perhaps that's just the impression you've given then.
lazy@//More uncritical acceptance by the resident //

The misconception as to God trying to convert is based on a failure to appreciate what the Bible was written for.
Yet another example of the ability of the faithful to resist any challenge to their worldview.

Critical of their worldview, critical of their constant reference to verses from the holy book, critical of the actions taken in the name of their brand of religion? Simple - you must be at fault, because you do not understand.
Elsewhere us critics have been denounce as lacking in intelligence by goodlife because we fail to understand.

And further evidence of a lack of critical analysis by the faithful of the tenets of their own brand of religion.
I'm quite surpised at the naomi, I don't think I've ever said that I categorise any people regardless of their beliefs.
Craft, since you're not averse to trying to shut them up, or to making snide comments about them, I really don't know why you are surprised at the impression you've given. I think most have got the message now.
Oh okay naomi...........
Good. That's sorted.
Well,If prayer is to be answered it must be directed to the right One

I can never remember if that is Ant or Dec
When have I ever tried to shut anyone up? Apart from asking that one of your threads was removed because I found it offensive. The Ed must have agreed as he removed it.
Your change in attitude towards me since that happened has quite frankly been shocking. Where once you used to join in friendly banter you are now quite nasty.
It would appear that you fail to understand that not all of your posts are appreciated by everyone.
Naoim@ Jesus often defended the Holy Scriptures against misuse, misinterpretation, and misrepresentation.

Jesus said, “You heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ However, I say to you: Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you.” (Matthew 5:43, 44) Was the command to “hate your enemy” drawn from God’s Word? No, this precept was something that the religious leaders taught of their own. The same go for you like to watered down God’s word, admittedly is not easy to root out hatred that may have developed, but is that not better than leaving what might lead to hypocritical falsehood or to stupid slander.
Craft, that isn’t the only thing I’m referring to, but since you raised the subject, I can only presume that the Ed – like most people here - was as ignorant of the bizarre piece of genuine religious history I posted as you were. I’m well aware that all my posts are not appreciated by everyone – particularly the religious - but I did my best to explain that one to you - to no avail. I haven’t been nasty to you, but I have sometimes - but not always - defended myself against your subsequent snide remarks and derogatory gossip, neither of which are conducive to a healthy friendship - and for that I make no apology. If you think my attitude has changed, look to yourself Craft. Even here you’re telling me I’m nasty, so I’m sure you will understand why I feel a little reluctant to join in with the banter as I once did. It’s clearly not quite so friendly now – nor the welcome so warm. Whilst you think about that, I will continue to treat you with civility, as always. My lesson is learned.
Goodlife, don't go off at a tangent again. I'm eager to learn more about this Watchtower publication - the dictionary on hatred - that you mentioned.
by farlex

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