@Olly - Its worth pointing out again and again. This is clearly a hoax. When reposting stuff, don't you at least try and get some independent corroboration or verification?
And for a christian, you seem remarkably unchristian when posting. Take this illuminating little piece from you, which seems to show that humility, empathy and turning the other cheek are all unfamiliar concepts to you;
"I leave the disparaging remarks to the experts who I am sure use the forums to gather together in order to bolster their own insecurities regarding their own unbelief and as I say I regret in this instance providing you with something that is worthy of contempt, I normally leave that sort of thing to the atheists who are much better at it than I am. ;-) "
The only person here who is offering unverified miracles as real events, and then insulting others is you, it seems. You offer nothing but insult. Most debates I engage in, I do try to refrain from personal insult. I insult ideas, not individuals.
Then we have this little snippet from you;
"@NOX I have already apologised and asked how it can be deleted which shows a level of honesty. Nowadays science is discovering miracles billions of years after they have happened and our grandparents could easily have taken the same attitude as you had today's scientific discoveries been mooted back then.
Fortunately for us miracles were happening millions of years ago or we wouldn't be here and although scientists dismiss these, when they produce a test-tube baby it is hailed as a miracle of science which for them it is, which only goes to show the wonders of creation which I am happy to acknowledge while others take them for-granted and dismiss them with a wave of the hand. Personally I prefer to have an open mind on these things and acknowledge the wonder of it all."
Those paragraphs are very revealing about your attitude toward science.
1. What you term a miracle is almost always explainable using a naturalistic explanation, without resorting to divine intercession.
2.Who exactly is it who takes the creation of life, the world. or the universe for granted, or dismisses them? Certainly not scientists, who, you know, actually study it. And it is far more dismissive to point at something and say "Its a miracle! Goddunit"! Yay!
3. An open mind is fine, but one that is so open that your brains fall out and you lose all ability to reason is not.
4, What miracles is "science only now discovering" that happened billions of years ago? This sentence makes little sense.
5. A test tube baby is a miracle of science and medicine. Pity you religious types cannot acknowledge that fact.
You also posted this;
"last thing I want to do is to offend, there has been too much of that already. :-"
But you were offering individual insult and offence from virtually your first post.At least be honest.
More evidence of your scant regard for "science"
"I think we had better not go down that road naomi, atheists like to brag about scientists being atheists which isn't quite true but anyway they have provided the means of destroying the world many times over so I wouldn't brag about it"
We absolutely should be bragging about it, at every single opportunity.The capacity for abstract thought, reason, and scientific curiosity is what sets us apart from all the other animals.
We would not have the miracles of the modern world without science and the scientific method.You could not address this forum with your religious views were it not for science. Unless of course you prayed it here, without the miracles of the internet, or a computer.
Evidence shows that religiosity has an inverse relationship with scientific education; The greater your level of scientific education, the less likely it is that you will have faith in god.