According to a report by the World Health Organization
"Violence killed 1.6 million people in 2000, matching tuberculosis and surpassing malaria in their death tolls. The estimate is based on data gathered from 70 countries and includes war, assaults, suicides, and shootings. Researchers found that violent fatalities represent about 3% of all deaths in the world,” the report adds. “The scope of violence—against women, children, the elderly, young men and communities in general—proved far greater than they expected. One reason for that, researchers suggest, is violence frequently goes unreported.” The breakdown for violent deaths was: Suicide—50 percent, homicide—30 percent, and war—20 percent. Eastern Europe had the highest suicide rates, led by the Russian Federation and Lithuania. The ratio of gun-related deaths was highest in Albania—22 per 100,000 people. The United States had 11.3 per 100,000, while the United Kingdom and Japan had 0.3 and 0.1 per 100,000 respectively.
At Isaiah 60:18, we read: “No more will violence be heard in your land, despoiling or breakdown within your boundaries. And you will certainly call your own walls Salvation and your gates Praise.” How beautiful those words are!
But when will this occur? The fulfillment of Bible prophecy shows that it will be within our lifetime. Because “the sign” that Jesus said would mark “the conclusion of the system of things” is now undergoing fulfillment. This “sign” includes “the increasing of lawlessness.” (Matthew 24:3-14, 34)