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@ argorstran ahh bless! You have fundamentally misunderstood something - again. Of course I am entitled to judge and pass judgement on whether something is considered funny or not - we all are, we all have that right.
I originally offered the link in a light -hearted fashion, and used the term enemy in a similar vein. It was you that offered the stereotypical view of the faithful surrounding all atheists. I pointed out that you cannot do that, because not all atheists might feel that way.
Personally, I think religion is more a hinderance than a help to the development of humanity - a stagnant pool of redundant thinking, which provides excuses for fanatics and fundamentalist to create mayhem and do murder in the name of religion. Those fundamentalists that proclaim that the bible is inerrant, or that "evolutionism" is teh evul are annoying, and are labouring under a delusion.
i have no problems with those individuals who have a personal faith, and wish to attend church for prayers and sing-song etc. It is when such faith compels them to judge others over their sexuality or religion that I would have issues with those particular people. When they start lecturing others about their morality, for instance, or avoiding them because they have another religion, or none. When they demand special exemptions from the law to accomodate their faiths, or when they wish to impose laws upon society to protect their worldview.
So yes, I would be more of an anti-theist than simply an atheist, but that does not necessarily hold true for all atheists.