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Dan And Susan

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Connemmara | 17:12 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
3 Answers
Susan (anybody who likes her - she was just in the audience that night and did not know the song but I thought it was lovely and she done her best)


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Not my cup of tea - but isn't that Dan O'Donnell some sort of singing superstar? I seem to remember that he sells a staggering amount of CDs...
LG, yes, in certain circles, apparently so. I once happened upon a whole line of people with camp beds and sleeping bags who had slept outside a theatre all night waiting for tickets to one of his shows to go on sale. :o/
@Naomi - Thanks for the confirmation :) Its a whole other world out there. Apparently there is a whole school of music called christian rock, that have their own megastars and sell millions of records, unyet you rarely if ever hear of any sort of crossover into the mainstream...

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