Referring to Boo's comment earlier - The History channel have recently launched a new mini-series on the Bible ( like that is what the world is crying out for), which has created something of a minor storm in the media over in the US.
Glenn Beck, a forthright and trenchant exponent of right wing opinion, first drew attention to the similarities in appearance between the actor playing Satan - and Obama!
And yes,you probably guessed it - Jesus is played by a white guy - a kind of Brad Pitt lookey-likey with a beard.
So, a modern day show in which Satan, the font of all evil, is played by a black guy who - coincidentally?- looks like Obama, and Jesus, the symbol of all that is good- played by a white guy ?..... Well, you can see why commentators are asking whether the producers of the show have learnt anything about racial equality over the last few decades, whether they are just lazily conforming to a western-centric stereotype, or whether they have an ulterior motive?