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Religious Self Identification

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AB Editor | 11:06 Mon 08th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
93 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • Atheist - 147 votes
  • 36%
  • Spiritual (but not necessarily "Religious") - 107 votes
  • 27%
  • Religious - 83 votes
  • 21%
  • Agnostic - 66 votes
  • 16%

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Stats until: 02:26 Sun 08th Sep 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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Attention, incoming ... thunderbolts on the horizon ...
Question Author

We're just checking for when we need to start up the AB ark.

At this rate it'll just be a dinghy :)
an ark? so you're taking just 2 of us?

I vote for me and..... jeez, well me!

For those who don't frequent these hallowed halls, maybe we should spread the word that this poll is open. I'll nip into Chatterbank.
can you add some definitions please ed
Question Author
"can you add some definitions please ed?"

Well, it's about what you self identify as... so me putting up some kind of "boundary markings" isn't all that useful. It's what YOU think you are, not what anyone else does :)
no shades of grey, I am religious but do not (Since the happy clapping and kissing all and sundry) attend church. I was high church (Anglican) and do miss it!
I liked hymns Ancient & Modern, I like the incense and the pomp of it all.
I'm actually "Other" but you've omitted the option.
What other is there? One believes, or does not believe, in a god, is not sure, or is spiritual.
Jedi, Canary42?
well I'm not sure that religious covers it but i religiously listen to Garth and I worship him from afar.
Agnostic for me. I do not currently believe in a divine being but am happy to be proved wrong with irrefutable proof.
define 'other' please canary42
in the religious category, do you have to actually worship with a particular religion or can you tick that one if you are particularly religious in your behavior?
religious in your behaviour - that would be 'spiritual' then.
Atheist, but I really appreciate a good stained-glass window!
Dot, no particular religion and no particular god.
then i shall stick with religious because i do really adore and worship garth and he is my god and has seen me through the best of times and the worst of times and i expect nothing of him and he expects nothing of me but love, see. lol
ooh you are silly ;-)

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