God made us with free will, the ability to recognise and choose between right and wrong. The world He created for our ancestors was unimaginably wonderful, lacking in nothing, so much so, that the name by which it was known, "The Garden of Eden", has passed down throughout history to indicate a perfect world.
The problem with giving someone free will presents a huge problem for the giver, even one such as God, which is, whether or not to interfere whenever He sees signs of people straying straying from the path of knowing and loving Him.
For of course to interfere would be revoking that precious gift, free will.
So he doesn't interfere at all, he just makes quite clear that at a future time, everyone will be expected to account for their actions in this life.
Even so, about 2,000 years ago, he decided mankind was so far from the track of goodness, that it was necessary to send an Emissary, explaining afresh the rules.
The life of the Emissary has been well described in 4 very well-known books, as well as entire libraries of back-up stuff.
One thing is amazingly clear, throughout the short life of the Emissary, He never once, in all His sayings, uttered a single bad word or phrase. He is the only person in history to have done this.
For this perfect honesty and truth, He was killed.
Perhaps Joko, if you take the time to read about Jesus, you will find the answer to your question.