I was asked the other day what religion i am and i had to pause because i was "between" religions so was temporarily religionless.
So far i've tried christianity, judaisam, buddism and islam but i was left baffled, confused, empty and dismayed by the hypocritical nature of these paths.
I still haven't found what i'm looking for in a religion which is the truth. I've had a look at scientology but this appears to be a far out cult.
At the moment i am between religions, yes i believe that we were created by god, gods or even aliens and i want and demand the truth.
What can i do and where do i search for the truth? Can anyone here hand on heart recommend a religion to me as the emptiness and the fact that i could be missing out on enlightenment is killing me.
"Examples of carrion-eaters (or scavengers) include vultures, hawks, eagles, hyenas, Virginia Opossum, Tasmanian Devils, coyotes, Komodo dragons, and burying beetles. Many invertebrates like the burying beetles, as well as maggots of calliphorid flies and Flesh-flies also eat carrion, playing an important role in recycling nitrogen and carbon in animal remains."
"Yearning" for something doesn't mean that it's there. Wanting to find something out doesn't mean that it's knowable- it just means you want it to be. If you really care about truth, and if you really care about this as an issue, that's something you need to deal with - wanting something to be true doesn't make it so.
If you want to know why you're here, or what meaning your life has, then you're best off trying to find that out for yourself, rather than just accepting someone else's answer. That's the beautiful, emancipating, truth about being a free human being.
Maybe what you are searching for is not a religion as such, but rather faith. A lot of people would say that you cannot find the truth because it is ultimately unknowable. However, if you are motivated to search for the truth and if you subscribe to the idea that humans are capable of rationality then it follows that your deep-seated desire to search out the truth is probably a rational one.
Have faith in your own abilities to find the truth if that is truly what you seek. Make judgements based on what your abilities of reason show to be right but remember that not everyone will share the same beliefs as you. This does not mean that either you or they are wrong. There can be many paths to the same destination. For some those paths will be following a set religion. For others, a more personal route may need to be found, but for all who seek it the ultimate truth can be found with patience and perseverence.
Dear Zomboso,
You have set yourself an impossible task because you begin with a
now-discredited thesis that mankind was created by a thinking mind. By dismissing chemistry and physics as our creator you will never find what you are looking for. To ease your mind, ever, you must accept that mankind created god(s) not the other way round.
Anyway, what's in it for you?
Should you (in your dreams!) find out the "truth" how wll it help you? I suspect it would only confuse and worry you further.
Finally - the only solution you have is to hold on to whatever beliefs you have and find your "church" in your home, office and heart, leaving all established religious business corporarations and blind-faith organisations alone. In fact I think you are nearly there.
For clarity I am an atheist but do not evangelise on that subject nor do I insult people with different philosophies.
Kind Regards,
solvitquick; // By dismissing chemistry and physics as our creator you will never find what you are looking for.// Would you mind clarifying this please? //. //For clarity I am an atheist but do not evangelise on that subject // - well you sure fooled me!
Aaagh, here's Khandro having at me now gang! You know how he works - asks a question and then twists the answer to suit his (usually false) interpretation. Then comes more illogical sniping! I am tempted to ignore him but will answer later.
My earlier answer did not appear to confuse anyone but you. So here we go.
Khandro, many people including me believe that life began as a series of chemical reactions and is sustained by the same process (via the sun). I was not trying to persuade Zombozo that this was the answer, merely pointing out that by ruling this out, Z was trying to solve an equation while missing out an important variable. Result? Equation is impossible to solve. Oh, "equation" is a mathematical analogy for Z's quest for an answer.
Your statement that my claim that I do not evangelise about my atheism is true and is clear if you read my main post.
As stated earlier, you have offered Zambozo no guidance. No, in my opinion, you just try to domineer sensible people into giving up with your sniping fatuous posts.
AB immigration: “Are you now or have you ever been an atheist, and do you intend to evangelise and insult people with different philosophies?”
VE: “Main purpose of visit”.
I think like others that Zambozo has metaphorically or factually died. If the latter is the case he will either know the truth or have the same "existence" as the grains of sand on the beach.
Ground Control to Zambozo..come in Zambozo, if you can here us!
'let me state that i'm looking for something that promotes peace, love and harmony for everything regardless of colour, sex, age, religion or species '
it might have already been mentioned, can't be bothered to read previous posts, start your own
solvitquick [I] // believe that life began as a series of chemical reactions and is sustained by the same process (via the sun).//
This is pretty groundbreaking stuff, I think we may be in line for A.B.'s first Nobel prize-winner. Remember folks; you read it first here on R.& S.
You remind me of a streaker I once saw, he too was a man unconcerned by his own shortcomings.
Dear Khandro.
Thank you for your reply. I should be most grateful if you would write to the Nobel Prize winning committee in Norway as soon as possible. A third Nobel Prize would add to my collection. The first was for streaking with the smallest willy ever. The second was for my discovery of the true religion of being aware of all one's evidential short-comings.
You are too kind. This world was never meant for one so tolerant as you.
p.s. I think this site died on it's feet long ago but I welcome your right to the last word before I unsubscribe.