She does cut an inspirational figure, doesn't she? And very comfortable on the world stage too, it appears. No wonder the Taleban regarded her as a threat.
Like Birdie, I personally would wish for a world free from religion - but it does not bother me quite so much about her continuing self- identification as a Muslim. For me, provided the religion people follow does not encourage them to gain special favours for their religious status, or attempt to demand automatic respect for the religion from those that do not believe, or reject science in favour of their religious belief, they can be as devout as they like :)
I do not want to hijack the thread to discuss age of consent, marriage and the part religion plays in all of that, but it is worth addressing some of the points that Lightbulb raises.
Once upon a time, when life expectancy was very short, education was basically zero, and all were concerned about finding food for the next day and providing sufficient children to continue the tribe and raise the herds or till the fields, marriage at an early age by modern standards was not unusual and pragmatically speaking, was probably necessary. Within the West, there is variation, although it is increasingly being standardised around a mean of 15/16.
Things have changed very much though. Advances in science, technology, medicine, the industrialisation of the production of goods and labour have all changed the culture out of all recognition to its agrarian roots.
If you expect that each child deserves a childhood, and that every child, regardless of gender deserves an education, these are incompatible with marriage at puberty.Gender equality and the recognition that children are not simply just chattels of their parents also mean that the girl should have an absolute right to say no to an arranged marriage, without fear of reprisal.
The difference between the Muslim world and the West on this issue is that the West has changed and adapted - it has consigned many religiously or culturally inspired rules to the dustbin. Islam needs to take a long hard look at some of its own cultural practices follow suit and adapt to the modern world if it ever hopes to soothe suspicion and become respected again, rather than the response right now, which is increasingly xenophobic.
Out of curiousity Lightbulb, you said the age of consent was a subjective issue - so what is your own feeling about what should be the legal age of consent?
You also said this "yet i am sure that god will punish these men who do that, as that goes clearly against islam"
Now, whilst that might be immeasurably comforting to the devout believer, it does little to offer justice of fairness or protection in this world, in the here and now. I would far rather girls were legally and culturally protected, rather than relying on a hypothetical and unproven god to mete out punishment to the wicked.....