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Atheist ‘Church’ Launches In Usa

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naomi24 | 08:25 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
160 Answers
Atheists – what do you think of this? Do you feel the need for a sense of community - or to 'Come Out' as an atheist?

Personally, I abhor the way in which this appears to be emulating Christianity. These people don't speak for me.


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octavious - stop putting words in my mouth.

i did not say those things were detrimental to me or anyone else - at least not on the surface and not in their current form... simply because to most people they are an excuse to have a party or eat chocolate etc
my point was, again, our lives are influenced by many religious things, whether we like it or not. it is everywhere.

but their origins and basis is indeed something I do not like.
the fact that we celebrate such nonsense is not something i agree with.

many view those things as a nice little day off work and just an excuse to spoil the kids etc... but to many they are the legacy of horrible times, of violence, control, persecution, guilt, shame, prejudice etc etc - the list of harm religion has done to us over the centuries is huge - physically and to our collective psyche.

so yes i would prefer those things did not exist, an some other celebrations took their place.
Xmas and Easter have pagan origins, and unles you are an observer, Lent will pass by virtually without you even knowing.

Do you feel the same about bonfire night and haloween as well?
yes i am aware of the origins, its irrelevant though.

i also did not say lent affects me directly... it doesn't. but that is irrelevant too... its what it means that i dont agree with

i dislike everything to do with religion, and would like it, and its influence, to be gone
No, as an atheist I do not feel a need to commune with fellow-atheists. I enjoy the company of others, irrespective of their religious, political etc., philosophies, providing that they are rational people and don't preach to me.
To me atheism is just my logical conclusion that our temporary existence is due to chemistry & physics. Their is no other evidence for our existence, particularly not any in theism.
As for "coming out" there is no rational predjudice or law against atheism, so nothing to come out about.
The "coming out" and "church" gatherings sounds dangerous, implying the beginning of an atheist crusade against theists. Just as bad as theist organised religions!
But "church"? - when I hear that word I keep a tight grip on my wallet.

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missnemesis, //If a user decides to post a thread about religion and you feel a compulsion to join in with this already pre-existing post, you are in fact the one imposing your will at that moment not the other way around. Do you see? //

No, I don’t see. These threads are not the sole preserve of the people who post the questions, and unlike you, I don’t attempt to stop anyone addressing any particular issue, whatever their opinion, so where am I imposing my will?

Incidentally, I didn’t say people of religion here impose their will on others – I said religion encroaches upon the lives of others. See the difference? I do not attack anyone on a personal level – I attack religion – and that is what none of you seem to be able to understand.
Thank goodness this thread hasn't descended into another pointless debate with no conclusion.....
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Zacs, I'm not seeking a conclusion. Just opinions on the launch in the US of an Atheist 'church'.
My opinion is that it is just silly, I have more in common with some people who are believers than with a lot of atheists, I don't see atheists as having a common bond with me, after all some things are unaffected by a persons beliefs and lets face it it is an issue that in practice plays a small part in most peoples lives, JWs excepted.
//it seems we may have to resort to beating it [religion]out of people in the end. //
Now where have I heard that sentiment before, hmmm?
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Khandro, fess up now, do you believe in god, do you have a religion? I sometimes think that you play devil's advocate so often that you must be the devil's advocate. Salary good is it?
Khandro - In your rush to score a vapid point you forgot to copy my smiley face with my comment. Very mischievous of you.
Naomi -///// I find the steely and determined jaws of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens far more attractive./////

So if any of them change their mind tomorrow then you would follow them? Or he would not be intelligent anymore?
KP, what a daft question.
That is one of the stupidest things I have ever read.
jomifl and chrisgel,
I think you are very rude to keyplus90. Naomi's comment seemed to ask for a challenge. It surprised me at the time as Naomi's comment was below her normal high standard. Is her philosophy really influenced by the appearance of the of the debater. She finds "steely and determined jaws" more attractive as the faces of atheism! Very sexist and stupid. Naughty Naomi let her guard down - and may let more down if the guy's appearance is right!
We already have these here but we call them ' Pubs' .
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jomifl; Re. //fess up now, do you believe in god, do you have a religion?// Explain what you mean by "God", and yes, I do have religion.
naomi; If you really require examples of religious intolerance I'm happy to oblige.
chrisgel; OK, I know. :-) there! but what did you really mean?

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